Partners & B2B - Offers

Clubs, companies & organizations
Would you like to order Pride items for your club, company/department or other organization? With us you get attractive special conditions for larger order quantities from a value of €100.
Save money on your bulk order now!
Our offer: You could save this much and even more...
Just use our contact form or one of our other contact options such as email (, WhatsApp (0157 587 315 42), Facebook or Instagram and tell us your concern. Together we will get the best for you and your club or company.
Long-term partners are, for example,...
You would like to regularly purchase goods from us and resell them to your own customers (e.g. items from our LGBTQ own brand Lean-Pride)? Get in touch with us.
Your e-commerce customers are interested in our items and you would like to expand your offering easily and without having your own inventory? We will work out a drop shipping solution with you.
Have you built a loyal following in the queer community and would like to receive free promotional items? We are excited to get to know you and your channel.
Do you have completely new ideas or suggestions (e.g. for new products) or are you interested in a different type of collaboration? We are always open to this too.